Welcoming 2020 with Stoneplus Exclusive Showroom

Welcoming 2020 with Stoneplus Exclusive Showroom

Stoneplus welcomes 2020. Throwing a worthy celebration of 45 years in Stoneplus Exclusive Showroom located in Torbalı, awe welcomed 2020 happily together as Tasarımca Design Office with the many architects and interior designers of the sector who were also invited to this exclusive event.

Besides the marble collections they hold alongside with Coante Quarts surfaces and Italian Materia porcelains, we had the special chance to view sculptures and paintings gathered together from the famous artists in the Stoneplus Showroom.

Another detail that attracted our attention was the giant sculptures of Mubu design, the works of painters such as Mehmet Güreli, Canan Tolon, Adnan Çoker and Aliye Berger, and domestic and foreign marble plate collections.

The blue and white collection of the Smeg Dolce & Gabbana series were introduced and accompanied by the delicious cocktails of Kepler Social House and the delicious tastes of The Kitchen with Atilla Demircioğlu's ageless songs.

We would like to thank Burak Güngören, Ceo of Stoneplus and Hanzade Güngören, founder of Hnzd Design, as the Tasarımca Design Office family, for which you added even more meaning to this night with the marble embroidered image of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, which was given as a gift at the end of the night.